Searching Courses

Location Services - Allow access

'Play Golf' will be the screen displayed right after downloading Hole19, creating your account, and signing In. Therefore, the first thing you should make sure of is to give Hole19 permissions to use your location: tap 'Allow access' > 'Allow While Using App'.


Apple will temporarily track usage and eventually prompt you with the following option: 'Keep Only While Using' or 'Change to Always Allow'. Please select 'Change to Always Allow'.


Please note that 'Always' doesn't mean that Hole19 is always using your location, it means that Hole19 will use your location every time it is needed. After finishing and saving a round, Hole19 will no longer use your location.


Find golf courses

By opening the Hole19 app, it automatically suggests the nearest golf course for a quick start. To find out more about how you can find courses near you, click here.

When you tap on 'Search All Courses' there are two main tabs: Courses and Locations

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You can simply tap Play Golf to open the Round Setup screen, fill out the requested details, and tap Start Round

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After previewing or playing at a course, it will be saved on the 'Synced' tab and you can play offline. 

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Map Icon

You can navigate through the map and spot all the courses available. It's a great way to also check the course ratings! Course ratings are submitted by the golf course community.

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Playing golf offline 

It’s possible to use Hole19 even when you’re offline. To ensure you have access to the course map while playing offline, follow these steps:

  1. While you’re connected to the internet (ideally at home before heading to the course), search for the course you’re going to play and press "Preview". This will download the course map to your device. You can close the app afterward. 

  2. Once you’re at the course and offline, follow the steps mentioned above to access your "Synced" Maps. From there, simply press "Play Golf" to begin your round with the downloaded map.

By preparing ahead of time, you’ll be able to enjoy your game without worrying about an internet connection.


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