Finish and Save your Round

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this information may not reflect the latest app version, as we are currently testing new features on both platforms. Details may change, and we will update the article once the experiments are complete. If you'd like to share your feedback, kindly contact our Customer Service team.


Once you finish your round, it is essential to end it on Hole 19 before closing the app to ensure all your data is correctly saved. Follow these steps:

    • Tap the bottom bar and then the blue 'Finish Round' button;
    • On the 'Round Summary' screen, review your round stats and details;
    • Tap the grey 'Save Round' button to proceed;
    • On the next screen, you can customize your post or press skip. 
    • Finally, you can share your round with your friends using social media, email, or SMS. Finish the process by tapping 'Done'.

Copy of Layout - 1 phone (iOS) (13).gif

You can find the round on your 'Me' tab ('Profile' in Android) or in Rounds within the 'Performance' tab.


- Don't wish to keep the round? See here how to delete it, but please bear in mind that deleted rounds cannot be recovered.

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