Club Recommendation

Making the right club choices is easier now, with Club Recommendation available for both smartwatches and phones. ⛳️


As a Premium PRO member, you'll be able to move the target to get distances anywhere on the golf course, and Hole19 App will automatically give you the club recommendation based on your distances.


! For precise recommendations, ensure that your virtual bag (My Bag section) is updated with your clubs and distances. See here how to do it.


  • Start a round on your phone, and when on the aerial map view, tap the 'Settings' on the right. From there, you can easily toggle ON the Club Recommendation feature.


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  • Would you like to see Club Recommendations on your watch? We've got you covered! Now that the feature is enabled on your phone, you can also use it on the smartwatch.

    Tap the 'Map' icon on the distances screen of the watch and drag the target across the screen to get recommendations. You'll see the recommendations at the bottom of the screen if you have an Apple Watch or at the top of the screen if you have a smartwatch with WearOS.




- You can toggle off Club Recommendation to continue using Hole19 during tournaments.

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